3rd and 4th Class Links

3rd and 4th class are currently using the following links in their studies. To see our links for English and Maths, check out the “Curriculim Links” page.


Counties Of Ireland Quiz

Counties of Ireland Jigsaw Puzzle: http://www.edware.ie/default.asp?content=article&section=3&cid=19

Countries Quiz: http://www.purposegames.com/game/622

Counties of Ireland Quiz: http://www.osi.ie/en/alist/online-game-counties.asp

Ancient Egypt: http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/


Michael Faraday’s Candles: http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/Phase2delivery/Wales/Science/Keystage2/Materialsandthe/MichaelFaradays/Introduction/popup.htm

Tags: Third & Fourth

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